Parents and students alike frequently have many questions concerning homework, its purpose and what to expect. Below we have listed many of these questions, followed by our beliefs and expectations concerning homework. Please review these with your son or daughter. Please call us at school if you have any questions regarding this information.


1. Why do we assign homework?

We believe that homework is an important part of the learning process. It serves several purposes, primarily to review necessary skills and information learned recently. Also, it can help to prepare students for upcoming units, as well as teaching students to work independently and to take pride in a task they have completed well. Homework also allows us to gauge students' understanding of new material, and their retention of older material. As your child completes their homework and later returns with it corrected, it allows you to gauge their progress.

2. What types of homework will we assign?

The majority of the homework will serve to reinforce and review information that has been taught recently. Also, students will occasionally have on-going assignments, such as projects or reports, which they will be expected to work on over several weeks. As well, students will at times have work that will serve to prepare them for upcoming lessons or units. These types of assignments might involve reading a chapter or article in preparation for a class discussion or bringing in a particular object related to a new unit.

3. How often will homework be assigned, and how much will be assigned each day?

Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday, and occasionally on Friday. The purpose for assigning homework on Friday is to gradually help students become accustomed to the increased amount in seventh grade. Students should expect to receive homework in Science, Social Studies, Mathematics and Language Arts (Reading, Spelling and English). However, they will not always have homework in all areas every night. Students should expect to spend anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour on their work each night. The specific amount of time will depend upon your child. If the amount of time he or she is spending on homework each night concerns you, please contact us immediately.

4. How and when should homework be completed?

Students should complete their homework in a place where they are able to concentrate on their studies, have assistance available if needed, and have all materials that are needed. This may be at home or COOL, or at a caretaker's home, at your discretion. We expect that all assignments will be completed and turned in on time, that the work will be completed neatly and legibly, and that students, to the best of their abilities, will complete their assignments independently. Homework will be due, unless otherwise noted, the following school day.

5. Will a record of assignments be kept?

Yes, we will record all assignments and note if they have been completed and turned in on time.

6. What is the role of the student planner?

It will be the students' responsibility to keep a daily planner for recording daily and long-term assignments. The planner will also serve as a communication tool between the teacher and parents when necessary.

7. What will happen if homework is not turned in on time?

At the beginning of each of the three marking periods students will be given one "Oops! I forgot!" The consequences of a late assignment are a recess detention and the initial grade of the turned in assignment as a "C". Any missed assignment will have a "Report to Parent" form sent home. Repeated missed assignments may require a parent/ teacher conference. All assignments that are late, incomplete, or not completed at all will be reflected in the student's grade for that subject. Please note: if there is a legitimate reason why students are not able to complete their homework, please inform me with a phone call or a note. Accommodations will of course be made.

8. What about tests?

Unit tests in Science, Social Studies, Math, and Language Arts (Reading, Spelling, and English) will be given in class. Tests will be informal and formal. Informal tests or quizzes may be announced or unannounced, and will be graded accordingly. Formal tests will be announced several days or more in advance. Students will be expected to study for announced tests as a part of their nightly homework routine. We will be incorporating Study Skills as a part of our Language Arts, Social Studies and Science curriculum.

9. What should I, as a parent, do to help my child with their homework?

As your child's parent, you play an important and vital role in your son or daughter's education. Your attitude towards homework will have an important affect on your child's attitude. If you view homework as a top priority, so will your child. It is important that he or she have an established, daily homework routine. Having him or her do homework in a quiet area will allow them to concentrate. Children should know that homework is a top priority that comes ahead of other activities. Allow them to take short breaks as needed, but encourage them to work consistently until all work is completed. Some homework may be difficult for your child. Please remember to assist or review homework rather than correct the assignment. Congratulate your child when he or she is finished and allow your child to spend some time at an activity of their choice.

10. How will I know the progress of my child?

On-going progress will be noted through the viewing of students' completed work brought home at the end of the week. Formal reports will be sent home approximately every six weeks. Progress will be reported via telephone or by written notes on an as needed basis.

Thank you very much for your support in this area. We are confident that by working together we will make this a successful year for your children and our students.

Thank you for contacting us about your concerns and thoughts.


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